Why You Should Never Cut Wet Grass

Why You Should Never Cut Wet Grass

Why You Should Never Cut Wet Grass

Ever found yourself gazing out on a fresh rainfall, taking in the dewy sheen over your lawn, and thinking, “Hmm, maybe it’s time for a trim”?

There’s definitely something oddly satisfying about the idea of taking your trusty mower for a spin through a sea of lush, wet grass. After all, everything’s freshly washed and it seems like the perfect opportunity to get some yard work done.

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but as it turns out, this might not be the best condition to give your lawn a trim. In fact, mowing wet grass is one of those things in the lawn care world that’s generally frowned upon, much like wearing socks with sandals at a fashion show. Who would’ve thought, eh?

6 reasons why you shouldn’t cut wet grass

1. It damages your grass

When you cut your grass while it’s wet, you can cause significant damage. Wet grass tends to bend over, making it more likely you’ll cut the blades unevenly. This makes your lawn look patchy, but more than that, it stresses your grass out. You wouldn’t like it if someone gave you a lopsided haircut, would you?

2. It dulls your mower blade

Wet grass is more resistant than dry grass, meaning it’s harder for your mower to get a clean cut. This extra work can dull your mower blades faster, leading to more frequent and expensive maintenance.

3. It clumps up

Wet grass is like that clingy friend who just doesn’t know when to let go. It sticks together, forms annoying clumps, and clogs up your mower faster than bad cholesterol in an artery.

These clumps don’t just stay in your mower though, oh no. They like to make a permanent home on your lawn, creating unsightly patches that block sunlight from reaching the grass underneath. The result? An uneven lawn that looks like it’s suffering from a bad case of grassy baldness.

4. It spreads lawn diseases

Lawn diseases thrive in a damp environment, and cutting wet grass can spread these nasties around your lawn. The moist clippings can spread fungus and other diseases that can turn your lovely lawn into a not-so-lovely shade of brown.

5. It’s a slipping hazard

Slipping on wet grass while operating a heavy machine with spinning blades? No, thanks. Cutting wet grass isn’t just bad for your lawn, it’s a safety hazard for you, too. Safety should always come first, even when you’re chasing that dream of a perfectly manicured lawn.

6. It’s just not efficient

Because of all the reasons above, mowing wet grass just takes more time and effort. You’ll have to clean your mower more often to remove the clumps, sharpen the blades more frequently, and you might have to go over the same area several times to get an even cut. In short, it’s just a whole lot of hassle that you don’t need.

Final word

Now you know, my friend, mowing your lawn right after the rain can do more harm than good. It might seem like the perfect time to groom your greenery, but believe me, patience is the best friend of a lawn enthusiast.

A wet lawn is a sensitive lawn, and showing it some respect will pay off in the long run. Your grass will look healthier, your mower will need fewer pit stops, and you’ll save yourself a heap of trouble.