Why You Should Never Drink Coffee On A Flight

Why you should never drink coffee on a flight

Why You Should Never Drink Coffee On A Flight

Let’s face it, flying can be stressful. Long security lines, cramped quarters, and crying babies can make even the most seasoned traveler break into a cold sweat. And what’s the one thing that we all turn to in times of stress?

That’s right, coffee. Coffee is the go-to drink for millions of people around the world when they need an energy boost or pick-me-up. But before you reach for that cup of joe on your next flight, there are a few things that you should know.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t drink coffee on a plane

You’ll need to use the bathroom often

The caffeine in coffee is a diuretic, which means that it will make you have to urinate more often. In general, drinking hot liquids of any kind tends to make you urinate more frequently.

And let’s be honest, nobody wants to be standing in line for the bathroom in a cramped airplane cabin. It’s uncomfortable, there’s very little privacy, and you’re holding up the line for everyone else who needs to use the facilities. Where you can avoid having to use the bathroom, do it.

You might become dehydrated

Dehydration is already a common problem for travelers, and drinking coffee on a plane will only make it worse. The air in an airplane cabin is incredibly dry, and combined with the diuretic effects of caffeine, it’s easy to see how you can become dehydrated quickly.

Coffee can irritate your stomach

While coffee might help you wake up in the morning, it’s not so great for your stomach. The acidity in coffee can cause heartburn and indigestion and is best avoided if you’re already feeling a little queasy.

In addition to that, according to Healthline, the caffeine in coffee “…may stimulate the urge to poop”. If you are particularly sensitive to caffeine, you may want to avoid coffee altogether while flying.

You’ll become more jittery and anxious

Caffeine is a stimulant, so it’s not surprising that drinking coffee on a plane can make you feel more jittery and anxious. This can be especially problematic if you’re already nervous about flying.

Coffee can interfere with sleep

Trying to sleep on an airplane is difficult enough without adding caffeine into the mix. This can have serious consequences if you’re flying overnight or trying to adjust to a new time zone. Not getting to sleep on your flight could mean that you’re exhausted when you finally reach your destination.

Likewise, if you’re a nervous flyer, the last thing you want is to be wide awake and on edge for the duration of the flight.

Not everyone likes the smell of coffee

Coffee has a strong, distinct smell. While you might love that smell, not everyone does. And when you’re crammed into a small space with a bunch of other people, it’s important to be considerate. The last thing you want is to be the person who ruined someone’s flight by making them sick with the smell of coffee.

Turbulence could cause a painful accident

Turbulence (the shaking and rocking of an airplane during flight) is unpredictable and can happen at any time. If you’re holding a hot cup of coffee during turbulence, there’s a chance that you could spill it on yourself, or someone else, and get burned.


For the most part, drinking coffee while on a flight is a relatively harmless thing to do, and as long as you don’t overdo it, you should be fine. However, just keep in mind the potential risks involved.

If you’re feeling anxious about flying or have a sensitive stomach, it might be best to get another drink instead. And if you’re flying overnight, skipping your usual dose of coffee might make it easier to get some much-needed sleep.