Why You Should Never Get A Dog

Why you should never get a dog

Why You Should Never Get A Dog

It’s no secret that dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. In the United States alone, there are an estimated 50 million households with at least one dog. It’s no wonder why people call dogs “man’s best friend.”

And while dogs can make wonderful companions, they’re not right for everyone. If you’re on the fence about whether or not to get a dog, read on to learn some of the reasons why getting one might not be a good idea.

13 reasons why you shouldn’t get a dog

1. Dogs are expensive

Firstly, there’s the initial cost of the dog, which can be pretty pricey depending on the breed. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg – you also have to factor in the ongoing costs of things like food, toys, veterinarian bills, and more. Those costs add up quickly!

2. Dogs require a lot of time and effort

Dogs need exercise, plenty of mental stimulation, and lots of attention. You’ll need to regularly take your furry friend for walks (or runs, if you’ve got a high-energy breed), play with them, and make sure they’re getting enough socialization.

Unlike cats, who are independent, dogs will force you to spend a lot of time outside, in nature, even if the weather is bad.

3. Dogs can be destructive

Dogs tend to chew on things – including your belongings! – when they’re bored or anxious. This can lead to costly repairs (or replacements) if your pup gets ahold of something they’re not supposed to.

And even if your dog doesn’t chew on your things, their nails can still do damage to your floors and furniture.

4. Dogs aren’t always good with kids

While many dogs are great with children, some aren’t. If you have young kids in your home, or if you’re planning on starting a family soon, it’s important to do your research to make sure the breed of dog you’re interested in is good with kids.

And even if the breed is known to be good with kids, there’s no guarantee that your dog will be.

5. Dogs can cause or worsen allergies

If you or someone in your family is allergic to dogs, getting one is obviously not a good idea. Dog fur and dander can cause all sorts of problems for people with allergies, including sneezing, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing.

You could also develop allergies to a dog even if you’re not allergic to them when you first get them. Yes, it happens.

6. Dogs can be loud

If you’re looking for a quiet life, then getting a dog is probably not the best idea! Dogs bark, howl, and whine – sometimes at the most inconvenient times (like in the middle of the night).

They’ll bark for no reason at all sometimes, and when they’re excited, scared, or bored. If you live in an apartment or in close quarters with your neighbors, this can be a big problem.

7. Dogs are messy and smelly

Dogs are, well, dirty. They track mud and dirt into the house, they shed their fur all over the place, and they have accidents – especially when they’re young or old.

When they’re not doing any of those things, there’s still the never-ending task of cleaning up their food and water bowls.

And then, of course, there’s the issue of how they smell. Dogs will often make your house smell like, well, a dog. If you’re not okay with that, then you shouldn’t get one.

8. You’ll have to pick up poop all the time

It’s bad enough having to clean up after yourself, but when you’ve got a dog, you also have to clean up after them – and that includes their poop.

Picking up dog poop is probably the least favorite task of any dog owner, but it’s something you’ll have to do daily when you take them for walks, otherwise, you risk breaking the “scoop the poop” law in most cities.

9. Dogs are clingy and needy

Dogs are social creatures, which means they need attention and companionship. And that means they’ll want to be around you – a lot.

This can be great if you’re looking for a cuddle buddy, but it might also be really annoying if you just want some alone time.

10. Dogs can be aggressive

While most dogs are gentle and loving, some can be aggressive – especially if they’re not properly trained or socialized.

Certain dog breeds are also more prone to aggression than others. And it won’t just be your own safety you need to consider – an aggressive dog can pose a danger to other people and animals, too, opening you up to possible liability if they hurt someone.

11. Dogs don’t live as long as we do

No matter how much we might want it to be otherwise, the fact is that dogs don’t live as long as humans do. The average lifespan of a dog is about 10-12 years, though some breeds (smaller breeds, mostly) can live for 15-20 years.

That means that if you get a dog as a puppy, you’re likely to outlive them – and it will be devastating when they die.

12. Dogs get ticks, fleas, and other parasites

Dogs are susceptible to all sorts of parasites, including ticks, fleas, and worms. These parasites can make your dog sick, and they can also be passed on to humans.

Aside from biting you and making you itch, ticks can transmit diseases like Lyme disease to both you and your dog. Fleas can cause anemia in dogs, and worms can cause all sorts of problems, including weight loss, diarrhea, and vomiting.

13. Traveling will be more difficult with a dog

If you love to travel, having a dog can make it very difficult. You’ll either have to find someone to watch your dog while you’re gone, or you’ll have to bring them with you (which means finding pet-friendly accommodations).

Either way, traveling if you’re a dog owner is not as simple as it is for people without dogs.


There’s no doubt that having a dog in your life can make it more vibrant, fun, and meaningful. But there’s also no denying that dogs come with a lot of challenges – challenges that might not be right for everyone.

We hope this article has shed enough light on the realities of dog ownership and helped you decide whether or not getting a dog is the right decision for you.