Why You Should Never Get Veneers

Why you should never get veneers

Why You Should Never Get Veneers

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure in which a thin layer of porcelain is applied to the surface of the teeth. Veneers are supposed to improve the appearance of your teeth and give you a Hollywood smile.

For most people, this is a great option and they love their new smile. But as with anything, there are downsides to getting veneers. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why you might want to skip getting veneers and instead opt for another procedure.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t get veneers

1. Veneers are permanent

Veneers are not like fake nails; they are not something that you can easily take off and change if you don’t like them. Once veneers are applied to your teeth, they are permanent. This means that if you decide you don’t like the way your veneers look, you’re stuck with them for life.

2. Veneers require irreversible tooth preparation

In order to apply veneers to your teeth, your dentist will have to remove a significant amount of enamel from the surface of your teeth. This process is irreversible, which means that once your enamel is gone, it’s gone for good.

3. Veneers can look fake and unnatural

One of the biggest complaints about veneers is that they look fake and unnatural. If not done correctly, veneers can look like nothing more than a cheap cosmetic procedure.

This is because porcelain is not an exact match for human tooth enamel and it can be difficult to find a color that closely resembles your natural tooth color.

4. Veneers can be damaged easily

Porcelain veneers are incredibly thin and fragile, which means that they can be easily damaged. If you bite down too hard on something or if you accidentally drop something on your teeth, there’s a good chance that you’ll damage your veneers.

And once they’re damaged, there’s no fixing them; you’ll just have to replace them entirely.

5. Veneers are expensive

Last but not least, veneers are extremely expensive; in fact, they typically cost upwards of $1000 per tooth. Yes, you heard correctly, per tooth! And since most people who get veneers get them on all their visible teeth, we’re talking about a very pricey procedure indeed.

This cost is simply not affordable for most people.

Alternatives to veneers

For those who are looking to improve the appearance of their teeth but don’t want to get veneers or can’t afford them, there are other options available.

Teeth whitening

One popular alternative is teeth whitening; this procedure can dramatically improve the look of your teeth without the need for any irreversible changes.

There are a variety of teeth whitening products available on the market today, both over-the-counter and professional. If you’re looking for the best results, we recommend going to see your dentist for a professional teeth whitening treatment.


Another popular alternative to veneers is bonding. Bonding is a procedure in which your dentist applies a tooth-colored resin to your teeth and then hardens it using a special light.

This resin can be used to change the shape of your teeth, close gaps, and even change the color of your teeth. And unlike veneers, bonding is not permanent; if you don’t like the way it looks, your dentist can simply remove the resin and try again.

Bonding is also much less expensive than veneers; it typically costs around $500 per tooth, which is half the price of veneers.


We all want the perfect smile, but sometimes the perfect smile isn’t worth the price or the permanent changes. If you’re considering getting veneers, we hope this article has given you something to think about and opened your eyes to the alternatives available.