Why You Should Never Marry A Lawyer

Why you should never marry a lawyer

Why You Should Never Marry A Lawyer

If you’re considering tying the knot with a lawyer, there are a few things you should know first. Lawyers are a special breed of people, and though they may make great partners in some ways, there are also some definite drawbacks to marrying them, all of which we’ll consider in this article.

10 reasons why you shouldn’t marry a lawyer

1. They’re workaholics

Lawyers are known for working long hours, and that doesn’t stop just because they’re married. You’ve probably seen movies and TV shows where the lawyer husband or wife is always working late into the night, and though that may be exaggerated for dramatic effect, it’s not entirely inaccurate.

If you’re looking for a partner who’s going to be home for dinner every night and available to go on weekend trips at the drop of a hat, a lawyer is probably not the right choice for you.

2. They’re always arguing

Lawyers are trained to argue, and they’re good at it. That means that even when they’re not in the courtroom, you may feel like you’re constantly debating and trying to make your case with them.

If you’re not up for a relationship that’s full of debating and constant discussion, you might want to think twice about marrying a lawyer.

3. They have expensive tastes

Lawyers are used to getting paid well, and they often have expensive tastes to match. Big cars, nice houses, designer clothes… they live a lifestyle that can be difficult to keep up with.

Lavish living isn’t for everyone, and if you’re not able to keep up with your lawyer spouse’s spending, then you could end up feeling resentful and left behind.

4. They’re know-it-alls

They’ve spent years in school studying the law, so it’s no surprise that lawyers tend to think they know everything. That can be a difficult pill to swallow for some people, especially if you’re used to being the one with all the answers.

5. They have high-stress levels

Working as a lawyer is one of the most stressful jobs out there, and that stress doesn’t just disappear when they walk out of the courtroom.

The workload and the constant pressure to win can take a toll on even the strongest of people. This won’t only impact your lawyer spouse, but it can also affect you and your relationship.

6. They look at everything analytically

Lawyers are trained to look at things analytically and break them down into their component parts. While this can be a helpful skill in some situations, it can also make lawyers seem cold and unemotional in relationships.

7. They’re great liars

Lawyers are great at lying. It’s a skill they use every day in the courtroom, and it can come in handy in their personal lives as well. For them, that is. Not so much for you.

Honesty is an important foundation for any relationship, and if you can’t trust your partner, then it’s not going to last.

8. They bring their work home with them

The work doesn’t stop once they leave the office, unfortunately. There are always papers to be read, phone calls to be made, and cases to prepare.

That means that even when they’re at home, they’re still thinking about work, and oftentimes, they’re still on call. Not the best recipe for a relaxing and enjoyable home life.

9. If you divorce them, you won’t beat them in court

If you do decide to divorce your lawyer spouse, good luck! They know the law better than you, and they will use that knowledge to their advantage. They also know people in the profession, so they’ll have an easier time getting the best lawyers to represent them.

You might not stand a chance against them in court, so be prepared for a long, drawn-out battle that could end up costing you more than you ever imagined.

10. It could be dangerous

Lawyers deal with the public all the time, and they often come into contact with some unsavory characters. If you’re married to a lawyer, especially a criminal defense attorney, that puts you at risk as well.

There have been cases of lawyers being threatened, attacked, and even killed by disgruntled clients. It can be a dangerous profession, and it’s not something to take lightly.


Marrying a lawyer has its pros and cons just like any other type of person, so it’s important to weigh all of the factors before making a decision.

The law profession might be regarded highly by some, but it’s not always as glamorous as it seems, particularly for the spouses of lawyers.

If you’re thinking about marrying a lawyer, make sure you go into it with your eyes wide open and be prepared for the challenges that come along with it.