Why You Should Never Nap After Eating

Why You Should Never Nap After Eating

Why You Should Never Nap After Eating

We all know the feeling of wanting to take a nap after eating a big meal. It’s tempting to lie down and let your food coma take over. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, especially if you’ve just had a Thanksgiving feast.

However, napping right after eating is not the best thing for your body. Here are some reasons why you should resist the urge to get some shut eye immediately after eating.

6 reasons why you shouldn’t nap after a meal

1. It can cause indigestion and acid reflux

When you lie down after eating, your stomach contents can easily travel back up your esophagus, causing heartburn, indigestion, and acid reflux. Your stomach needs to be upright to digest food properly.

If you simply must rest after a meal, try sitting up straight or walking around for a bit first.

2. It can lead to weight gain

Sleeping after eating can cause your body to store more fat, leading to unwanted weight gain. This is because when you sleep, your metabolism slows down and your body doesn’t burn as many calories.

If you’re trying to maintain or lose weight, it’s best to wait at least two hours after eating before taking a nap.

3. It can disrupt your sleep schedule

Napping too soon after a meal can throw off your sleep schedule. You may find that you have trouble falling asleep at night or that you wake up feeling groggy and dazed.

If you’re feeling tired after a meal, try doing some light stretching to boost your energy levels instead of napping. Oftentimes, you can overcome the tiredness (take it from the overcoming-the-urge-to-sleep-after-eating master!).

4. It can cause blood sugar spikes

After eating, your body releases insulin to help regulate your blood sugar levels. However, taking a nap right after eating can cause these levels to spike and then drop rapidly when you wake up.

Why does this happen? Because when you’re sleeping, your body is not using as much energy, so the insulin is not being used effectively. This can lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels when you wake up, leaving you feeling lethargic.

For someone with diabetes, this can be particularly dangerous.

5. It can affect your productivity

When you wake from a nap after eating, you’ll likely feel disoriented and unproductive. This is because your body has just started digesting your food, and the blood flow that’s meant to keep you alert is now focused on digestion.

So if you’re planning on only taking a short nap then getting back to work, just be prepared to get little done!

Instead of napping, try drinking some water or a cup of tea to help you stay alert and focused.

6. It can cause snoring and sleep apnea

When you lie down after eating, the food in your stomach can put pressure on your diaphragm, making it harder to breathe. This can cause snoring or even sleep apnea, a serious condition where breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep.

If you have a history of sleep apnea, it’s especially important to avoid napping right after eating.

I know, I know, there’s nothing better than curling up for a nap after a big meal. But as tempting as it may be, it’s not the best thing for your body in the long run.

Instead, try to wait at least two hours after eating before taking a nap, or opt for light exercise or stretching to boost your energy levels. You might think that you don’t have the energy for this, but usually it’s a case of mind over matter.

Severely tiredness after eating could be a sign that you’re pre-diabetic

If you find yourself constantly feeling the need to nap after eating, it could be a sign of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition where your body doesn’t use insulin effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels and eventually pre-diabetes or diabetes.

If you’re experiencing this symptom frequently, it’s best to consult with your doctor to get your blood sugar levels checked.