Why You Should Never Pick Your Nose

Why You Should Never Pick Your Nose

Why You Should Never Pick Your Nose

Nose-picking… Ah, the forbidden fruit of the nostril jungle. We’ve all been there, digging for gold like a prospector in the Wild West.

People (well, most) don’t simply pick their noses because they enjoy the sensation of their fingers exploring the depths of their nasal passages. There’s always a motive behind it, whether it’s to relieve an itch or remove a booger.

The decision to pick could even be the difference between being able to breathe and not being able to breathe.

But despite all of these reasons, picking your nose just isn’t the done thing, and in this article, we’re going to explore some of the reasons why you might wanna hold of booger-hunting with your pinky.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t pick your nose

1. It’s gross

Let’s face it, no one wants to see someone digging for gold in their nose. It’s not a pretty sight. And if you think that no one is watching, think again. People are always watching, and they’ll judge you for it.

2. You could get an infection

Your nose and fingernails are breeding grounds for bacteria, and when you pick your nose, you’re introducing even more bacteria into the mix.

You’ve seen how much dirt can build up beneath your nails. Well, every time you pick your nose, you’re transferring that filth to your nostrils.

Our nasal passages are lined with tiny hairs called cilia, which trap harmful particles and prevent them from entering our lungs. Picking your nose with dirty fingers can damage these cilia, making it difficult for them to do their job, thereby leaving you more susceptible to infections.

3. It’s socially unacceptable

Nose-picking is one of those things in life that, although we all do it from time to time, we all try to hide it. Put simply, society doesn’t look favorably on people who pick their nose, especially in front of others.

Nose-picking is usually associated with children or those who have some type of mental problem. So, if you’re an adult picking their nose in public, no matter how frustrating that booger is, people are going to want to avoid you like the plague.

Don’t be surprised if your invitation to a classy dinner party “gets lost in the mail”. Just saying.

4. You could hurt yourself

The lining of your nose is delicate and sensitive, and when you pick your nose too aggressively or with sharp objects like tweezers, you can cause damage. This can be painful and even lead to nosebleeds.

In extreme cases where someone picks their nose excessively over time (known as rhinotillexomania), they may develop a hole in the septum – that’s the tissue separating both nostrils. A hole in this area could result in breathing difficulties and potential long-term health problems.

5. It’s unhygienic

I talked about the bacteria you introduce to your nose, but let’s also consider the bacteria you’re spreading around. When you pick your nose, it’s not just the booger that comes out; there are other things like mucus and germs that can end up on your hands.

If you don’t wash your hands immediately after picking, you risk transferring these germs onto surfaces, food, or objects that others may come into contact with – particularly in a pandemic where hygiene is more important than ever!

6. Where do you put the boogers you remove?

Now, this might seem like a minor point, but it’s actually an important one. When you pick your nose, where do you put the boogers if you don’t have any tissue on hand?

One of the main reasons why people feel so grossed out by nose-picking is because they’re concerned about what the nose-picker will do with his/her boogers.

Some people flick them away, some people wipe them on their clothes or surroundings (ick!), and some even eat them (double ick!!).

Onlookers don’t want to have to think about these things.

7. It’s just not necessary

At the end of the day, picking your nose is a habit that can be easily broken. If you have an itch, use a tissue to blow your nose or wipe it gently. It’s quicker and more efficient than picking and doesn’t come with the negative side effects.

Yes, blowing your nose is also pretty gross, but it’s a more acceptable way of dealing with boogers.


While picking your nose might provide temporary relief, there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t indulge in this habit, and certainly not in public. But you really didn’t need me to tell you that, did you?

Let’s all make a pact to keep our fingers out of our noses and use tissues instead. It might take some getting used to, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.