Why You Should Never Spank Your Kid

Why you should never spank your kid

Why You Should Never Spank Your Kid

It’s no secret that corporal punishment is on the decline. A growing body of research has shown that spanking your child is ineffective at best and harmful at worst.

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to spank your child, read on for eight compelling reasons why you should never raise your hand to them again.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t spank your child

1. Spanking teaches children that violence is an acceptable way to solve problems

If you want your kids to be kind, compassionate people, you shouldn’t resort to violence when it’s time to discipline them. When you spank your kids, you’re teaching them that it’s okay to hit someone when you’re angry or frustrated.

You’re also sending the message that “might makes right”; if you’re bigger and stronger than someone, it’s okay to use force against them.

2. Spanking can lead to aggression in kids

Studies have shown that spanking can lead to increased aggression in kids. Children will be more likely to be aggressive toward their peers if they’ve been spanked by their parents.

In essence, your heavy-handed parenting can lead to your child becoming a bully and taking their aggression out on their smaller peers, or even their younger siblings.

3. Spanking hinders the parent-child bond

Spanking puts a strain on the parent-child relationship. It creates an atmosphere of fear and mistrust and can make kids feel like they have to walk on eggshells around their parents.

A strong parent-child bond is built on love and mutual respect, not fear and intimidation. If your child is afraid of you, they’re less likely to come to you in their time of need or if they’re in trouble.

4. Spanking can traumatize children

For some kids, being physically punished can be traumatic. If you were spanked as a child, there’s a good chance that it still affects you today in ways that you may not even be aware of.

This trauma could have far-reaching consequences when children become adults. Some adults who were spanked as children grow up to become violent adults.

And in some other cases, adults who were used to being spanked as children accept this type of abuse from their spouses.

5. You couldn’t treat adults this way without repercussions

If you were to hit your spouse or a friend, you would rightly be accused of assault, so why is it okay to do this to your child?

It’s not. You would never dream of hitting someone else, so why do it to a defenseless kid? They’re smaller and weaker than you are, which makes it even more wrong.

6. You could get in trouble with the law

In some states and countries, parents who spank their children can be charged with assault or child abuse. This could result in prison time or even having your children taken off you.

7. You might not know when to stop

Can you honestly say that if you’re angry enough to spank your child, you’ll be able to stop at just one slap? Once you start, it can be hard to control your anger, and you could end up hitting your child much harder or much more than you intended.

8. There are more effective forms of punishment or discipline

While spanking may seem like the quickest way to get your kid to behave, other techniques are more effective in the long run.

Confiscating toys or privileges can be effective, without causing any emotional damage. Positive reinforcement, likewise, such as praise and rewards, is a great way to encourage good behavior without resorting to violence.


By now, it should be clear that there are many reasons why spanking is not an effective or appropriate form of discipline for children.

If you’re still unconvinced, consider this: would you rather be known as the parent who disciplined their child with kindness and understanding or the one who resorted to violence? The choice is yours. Just know that your children won’t ever forget, no matter how much time has gone by.