Why You Should Never Talk To Strangers In An Elevator

Why you should never talk to strangers in an elevator

Why You Should Never Talk To Strangers In An Elevator

It’s a scene that’s been played out in countless movies and TV shows: someone is riding in an elevator with a stranger, and they strike up a conversation. In romantic comedies, this often leads to a meet-cute and a happy ending.

In real life, however, this isn’t as innocuous as it might seem. In fact, there are several reasons why you should avoid this practice, some that you might not have considered. Let’s explore them below.

7 reasons why you shouldn’t talk to strangers in an elevator

1. You don’t know who they are or what their intentions are

The first and most obvious reason is that you don’t know who the person is or what their intentions are. They could be harmless, but they could also be dangerous.

By talking to them, you’re drawing attention to yourself, which could make you a target for crime, such as stalking, violence, or robbery.

2. You’re in a confined space

Another reason to avoid talking to strangers in an elevator is that you’re essentially trapped. This means that if the person is dangerous or has ill intentions, there would be nowhere to go if they decided to attack you, nor anyone to hear you scream for help.

3. They probably don’t want a conversation

They, like you, are probably just trying to ride the elevator in peace. Having a conversation with a stranger is likely the last thing they want to do.

They may have had a long day at work and just want to relax on the ride home, or they may be in a hurry and don’t have time to chat.

4. What’s there to talk about?

Even if the person does want to talk, what is there to talk about? You don’t know anything about them, so you would just be making small talk for the sake of it.

5. It’s awkward

Talking to strangers is awkward. You don’t know how to start the conversation, what to say, or how to end it. This is especially true of elevator conversations.

The person might not want to talk but would feel obligated to do so because you’re in such close proximity. Or, the conversation might start off fine but then fizzle out awkwardly when you reach your floor and have to go your separate ways.

6. The ride is too short to make a connection

Even if you do manage to have a good conversation, the ride is too short to make a meaningful connection. You’re not going to learn much about the person in the few minutes that it takes to reach your destination.

7. It could cause other problems

Let’s imagine that you live in an apartment block with hundreds of other people. You get in the elevator and strike up a conversation with a stranger, not thinking anything of it.

Then, another day, you see the same person in the lobby and they recognize you. Now you’ll feel obligated to talk to them every time you see them, even if you don’t want to.

Or, what if the conversation goes sour and you end up having a falling out? Both of these scenarios would make life very difficult and uncomfortable for you. They now know where you live and you would have to avoid them at all costs.


We’re guessing that after reading this you won’t be so quick to talk to strangers in an elevator! If you must, however, keep the conversation light, brief, and neutral. Ideally don’t be the one to start up the dialogue in the first place.

Always remember not to give out too much information about yourself, and wherever possible, don’t let them see where you live or which apartment et al you’re going to.