Why You Should Never Buy Hard Avocados

Why You Should Never Buy Hard Avocados

Why You Should Never Buy Hard Avocados

Let’s paint a picture. You’re meandering through the grocery store, and you come across the produce section. There, among the myriad of fresh fruits, is the coveted avocado. But oh no, they’re hard as rocks. Still, you think, “A little time on the counter, and these bad boys will be guacamole ready in no time!” Right?

Well, here’s the twist…

While it’s tempting to grab those hard avocados and simply give them some time to ripen, there are solid reasons why you should resist the urge.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I understand the allure – they seem like they’ll last longer, they’re often cheaper, and hey, they can’t be that bad. But here are the reasons, laid bare, for why you should think twice before opting for them.

8 reasons why you shouldn’t buy hard avocados

1. Inconsistent ripening

Ever had that sneaking suspicion that your hard avocado just isn’t ripening evenly? That’s because you’re probably right. Buying an avocado that’s already hard can lead to inconsistent softening. This means while one side of the avocado might be soft and ready for your toast, the other half might still be giving your knife a run for its money.

It’s all down to the ethylene gas which avocados produce. This gas is responsible for ripening, but an overly hard avocado often doesn’t distribute this gas evenly, leading to a weirdly ripened fruit.

2. Taste matters

While we’re on the subject of uneven ripening, this can actually affect the taste too. A perfectly ripened avocado has that creamy, nutty flavor we all know and love. However, avocados that were picked too early (and thus, the hard ones at the store) might never develop this full, rich taste. Instead, you could end up with a bland or slightly off-tasting fruit.

3. Potential brown spots

Those hard avocados? They’re more prone to developing brown spots inside once they do ripen. These spots are a result of cell breakdown in the fruit, which, while not harmful, aren’t particularly appetizing either. It’s like getting all dressed up for a fancy night out and then realizing you’ve got a stain on your shirt. Kind of a let down.

4. You can’t mash them

While it’s possible to eat a hard avocado (though I wouldn’t advise doing so, because yuck!), if you’re hoping to make guacamole or mash them into a delectable spread to put on your toast, , you’re in for a rude awakening.

Hard avocados have a very firm, almost rubbery texture. Ever tried mashing something rubbery? It’s a frustrating endeavor and yields less-than-stellar results. Those avocados will defy your fork, resist your masher, and basically rebel against any attempt to turn them into something creamy.

5. Not so economical

Sure, hard avocados might be a bit cheaper at times, but are you really saving money? Think about it. If you end up tossing half the fruit because it’s inedible or it rots before ripening, you’re not getting your money’s worth.

It might make more financial sense to invest a bit more in avocados that are just on the brink of ripeness or are already ripe.

6. Environmentally unfriendly

Tossing out inedible avocados isn’t just a hit on your wallet; it’s a blow to the environment. Every discarded avocado contributes to food waste, which in turn contributes to environmental degradation.

It’s easy to forget the water, land, and resources that went into producing that little fruit. By selecting avocados that you’ll actually consume and enjoy, you’re doing your bit to reduce food waste.

7. You might miss out on health benefits

Here’s the kicker. Avocados that are picked too early might not have had enough time to develop their full range of nutrients. This means that by choosing that rock-hard avocado, you could be missing out on some of the essential vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that make avocados such a superfood in the first place.

8. They might never ripen

Oh, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve bought those hard, “ripen at home” avocados, thinking I’ll simply leave them somewhere dark and they’ll turn into the buttery delight I’ve been dreaming of.

But here’s the bitter reality: sometimes, they just don’t ripen. At all. Instead, they transition from being rock-hard to brown and rotten without passing through that delicious ripe phase.

The culprit? Often, these avocados were picked way too early. Just as babies need time to develop in the womb before they’re ready for the outside world, avocados need adequate time on the tree to mature. If they’re plucked prematurely, they haven’t developed the enzymes needed for the ripening process.

Final word

Look, I get it, it’s tempting. Hard avocados seem like a savvy choice. A little foresight, a touch of patience, and voila – you’re rewarded with a perfect fruit, right? But as we’ve delved into the ins and outs, it’s clear that these green rocks carry more risks than rewards.

Navigating the world of avocados can be a tricky business, a dance of timing and touch. But why make things harder (pun intended) for yourself? Stick with those that have begun their ripening journey. You’ll not only enjoy a consistently delightful taste and texture but also avoid the numerous pitfalls of their harder cousins.