Why You Should Never Forgive A Cheater

Why you should never forgive a cheater

Why You Should Never Forgive A Cheater

There’s nothing worse than being cheated on. The feeling of betrayal, hurt, and anger can be overwhelming. You ask yourself how this could happen to you. Why did they do this? And, most importantly, should you forgive them?

As tempting as it may be to try and work things out, you probably won’t be doing yourself any favors in the long run if you decide to say all is forgiven.

In this post, we’ll take a look at all the reasons why you’d be making a big mistake if opted to forgive your cheating partner as opposed to telling them to hit the road.

10 reasons why you shouldn’t forgive a cheater

1. They don’t respect you enough

If someone cheats on you, it’s a pretty clear sign that they don’t respect you. Not a lot, anyway. They clearly weren’t thinking about how their actions would affect you when they decided to go behind your back and sleep with someone else.

What’s more, they could have given you an STD without even realizing it. So not only did they disrespect you emotionally, but they could have put your health at risk as well.

2. They don’t love you enough

Although we often inadvertently hurt the people we love, those who truly love us will do everything in their power to avoid hurting us. If someone is capable of cheating, it’s safe to say that they don’t love you as much as they should.

3. Once a cheater, always a cheater

The old saying goes, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” And there’s a lot of truth to that. If someone has cheated on you in the past, they’re likely to do it again. Cheating is a choice, not an accident. And once someone has made that choice, it’s easy for them to make it again.

4. They’re not sorry

Contrary to what they may say, most cheaters are not actually sorry for what they’ve done. They may be sorry that they got caught, but they’re not truly remorseful for their actions. If they were, they would have thought about how their actions would affect you before they decided to cheat.

5. They don’t value commitment

Commitment is something that should be valued, not taken lightly. If someone you’re in a committed, monogamous relationship with cheats on you, it’s a clear sign that they don’t value commitment.

And why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t value something so important to you?

6. The trust has been broken

Once trust has been broken, it’s very difficult to mend. You may be able to forgive your partner, but it will be very hard for you to ever fully trust them again.

Relationships are built on trust, so without it, there’s not much left.

7. It sets a precedent for future bad behavior

When you forgive someone for cheating, you’re essentially giving them a free pass to do it again. You’re telling them that their actions are okay and that you’ll still be there no matter what they do.

Not only will this encourage them to cheat again, but it will also make them feel like they can get away with other bad behavior as well. From there, it’s only a matter of time before they’re treating you like dirt.

Because after all, why should they treat you any better when you’ve already forgiven them for cheating?

8. You might not be able to get past it

Even if you think you can forgive your partner for cheating, you may not be able to get past it. The hurt and betrayal may linger for a long time, or even forever. It’s not easy to forget something like that. Eventually, you’ll find ways to keep throwing it back in their face in arguments.

And even if you do manage to forgive them, there’s a good chance that you’ll always wonder if they’re cheating on you again. That’s not a healthy way to live.

9. They might think you’ll revenge-cheat

This might sound insane, but when a person cheats on their partner and is forgiven, they may start to think that their partner will cheat on them in revenge. This can lead to a lot of paranoia and insecurity in the relationship.

10. You deserve better

You deserve to be with someone who loves and respects you, not someone who’s just going to cheat on you. If your partner can’t give you that, then they don’t deserve you. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.

Wrapping up

No one deserves to be cheated on—and if you have been, know that forgiveness is not mandatory. You have every right to walk away from the relationship and never look back. Your partner made their choice, now it’s time for you to make yours.